Friday 1st June 2018
Bench Press 3-3-3-3 Each for time: 4 x 100m shuttle sprints
Thursday 31st May 2018
Warm up to a heavy triple TnG Snatch For Time: 2 rounds: 10 Snatch 60kg/40kg 12 Bar facing burpees 2 rounds: 10 Snatch 50kg/35kg 12 Bar...
Wednesday 30th May 2018
CrossFit Total 1RM Back Squat 1RM Press 1RM Deadlift
Tuesday 29th May 2018
Weighted Pull Ups 3-3-3 AMRAP in 10 min: 5 Muscle Ups 10 Wall Ball Shots 20lb/14lb 15 Push Ups 20 Double Unders
Monday 28th May 2018
For Time: 40 Cal Row 40 Handstand push ups 40 Toes to Bar 40 DB Hang Clean and Jerk (alt every 5 reps) 22.5kg/15kg 40 foot DB overhead...
Saturday 26th May 2018
Partner WOD 5-1 Wall Climbs Burped Box Jump Overs 20" Front Squat 70kg/50kg Run 100m
Friday 25th May 2018
AMRAP in 8 Min: 12 Deadlift 70kg/47.5kg 9 Hang Power Clean 70kg/47.5kg 6 Push Jerk 70kg/47.5kg
Thursday 24th May 2018
Back Squat 5-5-5 Max effort unbroken wall ball shots 20lb/14lb
Wednesday 23rd May 2018
BRING LONG SOCKS 3 x: 5 min AMRAP: Row 20/15 Cal 20 Alternating DB snatch 22.5kg/15kg 20 Ball Slam 15kg/12kg 20 Double Unders (unbroken)...
Tuesday 22nd May 2018
Snatch 2-2-2-2-2 Finisher: Tabata sit ups (experienced athletes - GHD sit ups) Tabata push ups (experienced athletes - strict HSPU)